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keyboard.mod.hsp 899 B

1 year ago
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1 year ago
  1. #module \
  2. Keyboard
  3. #deffunc local \
  4. Show
  5. showing = True
  6. text = ""
  7. Return
  8. #deffunc local \
  9. Hide
  10. showing = False
  11. Return
  12. #defcfunc local \
  13. GetChar
  14. if showing = False {
  15. Return ""
  16. }
  17. MTList getChar_id
  18. If stat = 0 {
  19. touching = False
  20. Return ""
  21. }
  22. If touching {
  23. Return ""
  24. }
  25. MTInfo getChar_touchInfo, getChar_id.0
  26. If getChar_touchInfo.2 < 1920 - 480 {
  27. Return ""
  28. }
  29. getChar_charId = (1080 - getChar_touchInfo.1) / 96 * 5 + (getChar_touchInfo.2 - (1920 - 480)) / 96
  30. getChar_textLength = StrLen (text)
  31. Repeat 3
  32. Poke text, getChar_textLength + cnt, Peek (charDict@Char, getChar_charId * 3 + cnt)
  33. Loop
  34. touching = True
  35. Return ""
  36. #deffunc local \
  37. Draw
  38. If showing = False {
  39. Return
  40. }
  41. Color COLOUR_BLACK
  42. BoxF 0, 1920 - 480, 1080, 1920
  43. Repeat 50
  44. Pos 1080 - 96 * (cnt / 5 + 1), 1920 - 480 + 96 * (cnt \ 5)
  45. CelPut BUFFER_CHAR, cnt, 3, 3
  46. Loop
  47. Return
  48. #global