- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- import io
- import json
- import time
- import sys
- from atproto import Client, models
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- from requests.exceptions import Timeout
- import requests
- from ai.talk import Talk
- import account
- def check_notifications (
- client: Client,
- ) -> list:
- (uris, last_seen_at) = ([], client.get_current_time_iso ())
- for notification in (client.app.bsky.notification.list_notifications ()
- .notifications):
- if not notification.is_read:
- if notification.reason in ['mention', 'reply']:
- uris += [notification.uri]
- elif notification.reason == 'follow':
- client.follow (notification.author.did)
- client.app.bsky.notification.update_seen ({ 'seen_at': last_seen_at })
- return uris
- def get_thread_contents (
- client: Client,
- uri: str,
- parent_height: int,
- ) -> list:
- response = (client.get_post_thread (uri = uri,
- parent_height = parent_height)
- .thread)
- records = []
- while response is not None:
- records += [{ 'strong_ref': models.create_strong_ref (response.post),
- 'did': response.post.author.did,
- 'handle': response.post.author.handle,
- 'name': response.post.author.display_name,
- 'datetime': response.post.record.created_at,
- 'text': response.post.record.text,
- 'embed': response.post.record.embed }]
- response = response.parent
- return records
- def main (
- ) -> None:
- client = Client (base_url = 'https://bsky.social')
- client.login (account.USER_ID, account.PASSWORD)
- last_posted_at = datetime.now () - timedelta (hours = 6)
- has_got_snack_time = False
- watched_videos = []
- while True:
- now = datetime.now ()
- for uri in check_notifications (client):
- records = get_thread_contents (client, uri, 20)
- if len (records) > 0:
- answer = Talk.main ((records[0]['text']
- if (records[0]['embed'] is None
- or not hasattr (records[0]['embed'],
- 'images'))
- else [
- { 'type': 'text', 'text': records[0]['text'] },
- { 'type': 'image_url', 'image_url': {
- 'url': f"https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/{ records[0]['did'] }/{ records[0]['embed'].images[0].image.ref.link }" } }]),
- records[0]['name'],
- [*map (lambda record: {
- 'role': ('assistant'
- if (record['handle']
- == account.USER_ID)
- else 'user'),
- 'content':
- record['text']},
- reversed (records[1:]))])
- client.post (answer,
- reply_to = models.AppBskyFeedPost.ReplyRef (
- parent = records[0]['strong_ref'],
- root = records[-1]['strong_ref']))
- for datum in [e for e in get_nico_deerjika ()
- if e['contentId'] not in watched_videos]:
- watched_videos += [datum['contentId']]
- uri = f"https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/{ datum['contentId'] }"
- (title, description, thumbnail) = get_embed_info (uri)
- try:
- upload = client.com.atproto.repo.upload_blob (
- io.BytesIO (requests.get (thumbnail,
- timeout = 60).content))
- thumb = upload.blob
- except Timeout:
- thumb = None
- embed_external = models.AppBskyEmbedExternal.Main (
- external = models.AppBskyEmbedExternal.External (
- title = title,
- description = description,
- thumb = upload.blob,
- uri = uri))
- client.post (Talk.main (f"""
- ニコニコに『{ datum['title'] }』という動画がアップされました。
- つけられたタグは「{ '」、「'.join (datum['tags']) }」です。
- 概要には次のように書かれています:
- ```html
- { datum['description'] }
- ```
- このことについて、みんなに告知するとともに、ニジカちゃんの感想を教えてください。 """),
- embed = embed_external)
- if now.hour == 14 and has_got_snack_time:
- has_got_snack_time = False
- if now.hour == 15 and not has_got_snack_time:
- try:
- with open ('./assets/snack-time.jpg', 'rb') as f:
- image = models.AppBskyEmbedImages.Image (
- alt = ('左に喜多ちゃん、右に人面鹿のニジカが'
- 'V字に並んでいる。'
- '喜多ちゃんは右手でピースサインをして'
- '片目をウインクしている。'
- 'ニジカは両手を広げ、'
- '右手にスプーンを持って'
- 'ポーズを取っている。'
- '背景には'
- '赤と黄色の放射線状の模様が広がり、'
- '下部に「おやつタイムだ!!!!」という'
- '日本語のテキストが表示されている。'),
- image = client.com.atproto.repo.upload_blob (f).blob)
- client.post (Talk.main ('おやつタイムだ!!!!'),
- embed = models.app.bsky.embed.images.Main (
- images = [image]))
- last_posted_at = now
- except Exception:
- pass
- has_got_snack_time = True
- if now - last_posted_at >= timedelta (hours = 6):
- client.post (Talk.main ('今どうしてる?'))
- last_posted_at = now
- time.sleep (60)
- def get_nico_deerjika ():
- URL = ('https://snapshot.search.nicovideo.jp/api/v2/snapshot/video'
- '/contents/search')
- now = datetime.now ()
- base = now - timedelta (hours = 4)
- params = { 'q': '伊地知ニジカ',
- 'targets': 'tags',
- '_sort': '-startTime',
- 'fields': 'contentId,title,description,tags,startTime',
- '_limit': 20,
- 'jsonFilter': json.dumps ({ 'type': 'or',
- 'filters': [{
- 'type': 'range',
- 'field': 'startTime',
- 'from': ('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00+09:00'
- % (base.year, base.month, base.day,
- base.hour, base.minute)),
- 'to': ('%04d-%02d-%02dT23:59:59+09:00'
- % (now.year, now.month, now.day)),
- 'include_lower': True }] }) }
- try:
- res = requests.get (URL, params = params, timeout = 60).json ()
- except Timeout:
- return []
- data = []
- for datum in res['data']:
- datum['tags'] = datum['tags'].split ()
- data.append (datum)
- return data
- def get_embed_info (
- url: str
- ) -> (str, str, str):
- title: str = ''
- description: str = ''
- thumbnail: str = ''
- try:
- res = requests.get (url, timeout = 60)
- except Timeout:
- return ('', '', '')
- if res.status_code != 200:
- return ('', '', '')
- soup = BeautifulSoup (res.text, 'html.parser')
- tmp = soup.find ('title')
- if tmp is not None:
- title = tmp.text
- tmp = soup.find ('meta', attrs = { 'name': 'description' })
- if tmp is not None:
- description = tmp.get ('content')
- tmp = soup.find ('meta', attrs = { 'name': 'thumbnail' })
- if tmp is not None:
- thumbnail = tmp.get ('content')
- return (title, description, thumbnail)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (*sys.argv[1:])