ニジカのスカトロ,ニジカトロ. https://bsky.app/profile/deerjika-bot.bsky.social
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  1. from datetime import datetime
  2. from atproto.models.AppBskyFeedDefs import BlockedPost, NotFoundPost
  3. from atproto_client.models.app.bsky.feed import get_timeline
  4. class Client:
  5. app: AppNamespace
  6. def get_current_time_iso (self) -> datetime: ...
  7. def get_post_thread (
  8. self,
  9. uri: str,
  10. parent_height: int | None = None
  11. ) -> Response: ...
  12. def get_timeline (self) -> get_timeline.Response: ...
  13. def follow (self, did: str) -> None: ...
  14. def like (self, uri: str, cid: str) -> None: ...
  15. class AppNamespace:
  16. bsky: AppBskyNamespace
  17. class AppBskyNamespace:
  18. notification: AppBskyNotificationNamespace
  19. class AppBskyNotificationNamespace:
  20. def list_notifications (self) -> Response: ...
  21. def update_seen (self, seen: dict[str, datetime]) -> None: ...
  22. class Response:
  23. notifications: list[Notification]
  24. thread: (ThreadViewPost
  25. | NotFoundPost
  26. | BlockedPost)
  27. class ThreadViewPost:
  28. pass
  29. class Notification:
  30. is_read: bool
  31. reason: str
  32. uri: str
  33. author: ProfileView
  34. class ProfileView:
  35. did: str