みてるぞ 1 year ago
3 changed files with 50 additions and 26 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +28
  3. +19

+ 3
- 3
common_module.py View File

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class CommonModule:

def index_by_f2c (cls, string: str, index: float) -> int:
i = 0
work = ''
i: int = 0
work: str = ''
for c in string:
work += c
if cls.len_by_full (work) > index:
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class CommonModule:

def mid_by_full (cls, string: str, start: float, length: float) -> str:
trimmed_left = string[cls.index_by_f2c (string, start):]
trimmed_left: str = string[cls.index_by_f2c (string, start):]

return trimmed_left[:cls.index_by_f2c (trimmed_left, length)]

+ 28
- 19
main.py View File

@@ -31,27 +31,15 @@ class Main:
italic = True)
nizika_font = pygame.font.SysFont ('07nikumarufont', 50)

messages: list[str] = []
chat_items: list = []

while (True):
screen.fill ((0, 255, 0))

for i in range (4):
screen.blit (
system_font.render (
f'live_chat.is_alive () == {live_chat.is_alive ()}',
True, (0, 0, 0)),
(i % 2, i // 2 * 2))
screen.blit (
system_font.render (str (datetime.now ()), True, (0, 0, 0)),
(i % 2, 32 + i // 2 * 2))

if live_chat.is_alive ():
screen.blit (
system_font.render (
f'messages == {messages}',
True, (0, 0, 0)),
(i % 2, 64 + i // 2 * 2))
(i % 2, i // 2 * 2))

if live_chat.is_alive ():
chat_items: list = live_chat.get ().items
@@ -60,7 +48,7 @@ class Main:
chat_item = random.choice (chat_items)
chat_item.author = chat_item.author.__dict__
message: str = chat_item.message
answer: str = Talk.main (message)
answer: str = Talk.main (message, chat_item.author['name']).replace ('\n', ' ')

with open ('log.txt', 'a') as f:
f.write (f'{datetime.now ()}\t{json.dumps (chat_item.__dict__)}\t{answer}\n')
@@ -73,19 +61,40 @@ class Main:
<= 21)
else (CommonModule.mid_by_full (
message, 0, 19.5)
+ '...')), True, (0, 0, 0)),
+ '...')),
(0, 0, 0)),
(120, 70))
screen.blit (
nizika_font.render (answer, True, (192, 0, 0)),
nizika_font.render (
if CommonModule.len_by_full (answer) <= 16
else CommonModule.mid_by_full (answer, 0, 16)),
(192, 0, 0)),
(100, 150))
if CommonModule.len_by_full (answer) > 16:
screen.blit (
nizika_font.render (
(CommonModule.mid_by_full (answer, 16, 16)
if CommonModule.len_by_full (answer) <= 32
else (CommonModule.mid_by_full (
answer, 16, 14.5)
+ '...')),
(192, 0, 0)),
(100, 200))

pygame.display.update ()

noon.play ()

time.sleep (2)
time.sleep (1.5)

wav: bytearray | None = Aques.main (answer)
wav: bytearray | None = Aques.main (answer)
wav: None = None
if wav is not None:
with open ('./nizika_talking.wav', 'wb') as f:
f.write (wav)

+ 19
- 4
talk.py View File

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import sys
import openai
from openai.types import *
from datetime import datetime

from connection import *

@@ -14,23 +15,37 @@ class Talk:
top_p: int = 1

def main (cls, message: str) -> str:
def main (cls, message: str, name: str | None) -> str:
openai.organization = OPENAI_ORGANISATION
openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY

answer: chat.chat_completion_message.ChatCompletionMessage | None \
= cls.__get_message (message)
= cls.__get_message (message, name)

return cls.DUMMY_RESPONSE if answer is None else answer.content

def __get_message (cls, message: str) \
def __get_message (cls, message: str, name: str | None) \
-> chat.chat_completion_message.ChatCompletionMessage | None:
return openai.chat.completions.create (
model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
messages = [{'role': 'system',
'content': 'あなたの名前は伊地知ニジカ。誕生日は毎日。友達はゴートうひとりとラマ田リョウ。好きな人は喜多ちゃん。すべての語尾に「ぬ゛ん」か「だぬ゛ん」をつけて質問に短く答えろ。定期的に「ぬ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ん゛」、「ボッチチャーン」、「あっ」のいずれかを発しろ'},
'content': ('あなたの名前は伊地知ニジカ。'
+ '誕生日は12/3。'
+ '現在地は下北沢虹鹿園。'
+ 'きし天を茶漬けにして食うのが夢。'
+ '趣味はニコニコでエゴサすること。'
+ '友達は「ゴートうひとり」と「ラマ田リョウ」。'
+ 'ゴートうのことは「ボッチチャーン」、ラマ田のことは「リョウ」と呼ぶ。'
+ '好きな人は喜多ちゃん。'
+ '逃げたギターは喜多ちゃんのこと。'
+ '喜多ちゃんの本名は喜多郁代。'
+ 'すべての語尾に「ぬ゛ん」か「だぬ゛ん」をつけて質問に短く答えろ。'
+ '定期的に「ぬ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ぅ゛ん゛」と発しろ。'
+ (f'私の名前は「{name}」。' if name is not None else '')
+ f'現在日時{datetime.now ().strftime ("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")}')},

{'role': 'user',
'content': message}]).choices[0].message
except openai.AuthenticationError:
