- from __future__ import annotations
- import math
- import os
- import random
- import sys
- import wave
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from enum import Enum, auto
- from io import BytesIO
- from typing import Callable, TypedDict
- import cv2
- import emoji
- import ephem
- import numpy as np
- import pygame
- import pygame.gfxdraw
- import pytchat
- import requests
- from cv2 import VideoCapture
- from ephem import Moon, Observer, Sun
- from pygame import Rect, Surface
- from pygame.font import Font
- from pygame.mixer import Sound
- from pygame.time import Clock
- from pytchat.core.pytchat import PytchatCore
- from pytchat.processors.default.processor import Chat
- from aques import Aques
- from common_module import CommonModule
- from nizika_ai.config import DB
- from nizika_ai.consts import (AnswerType, Character, GPTModel, Platform,
- QueryType)
- from nizika_ai.models import Answer, AnsweredFlag, Query, User
- pygame.init ()
- FPS = 30
- SYSTEM_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont ('notosanscjkjp', 24, bold = True)
- USER_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont ('notosanscjkjp', 32, italic = True)
- DEERJIKA_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont ('07nikumarufont', 50)
- def main (
- ) -> None:
- game = Game ()
- Bg (game)
- balloon = Balloon (game)
- deerjika = Deerjika (game, DeerjikaPattern.RELAXED,
- x = CWindow.WIDTH * 3 / 4,
- y = CWindow.HEIGHT - 120,
- balloon = balloon)
- CurrentTime (game, SYSTEM_FONT)
- try:
- broadcast = Broadcast (os.environ['BROADCAST_CODE'])
- except Exception:
- pass
- while True:
- for event in pygame.event.get ():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit ()
- sys.exit ()
- if not balloon.enabled:
- try:
- DB.begin_transaction ()
- answer_flags = (AnsweredFlag.where ('platform', Platform.YOUTUBE.value)
- .where ('answered', False)
- .get ())
- if answer_flags:
- answer_flag = random.choice (answer_flags)
- answer = Answer.find (answer_flag.answer_id)
- if answer.answer_type == AnswerType.YOUTUBE_REPLY.value:
- query = Query.find (answer.query_id)
- deerjika.talk (query.content, answer.content)
- answer_flag.answered = True
- answer_flag.save ()
- DB.commit ()
- add_query (broadcast)
- except Exception:
- pass
- game.redraw ()
- class Bg:
- """
- 背景オブゼクト管理用クラス
- Attributes:
- base (BgBase): 最背面
- grass (BgGrass): 草原部分
- jojoko (Jojoko): 大月ヨヨコ
- kita (KitaSun): き太く陽
- """
- base: BgBase
- grass: BgGrass
- jojoko: Jojoko
- kita: KitaSun
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- ):
- self.kita = KitaSun (game)
- self.base = BgBase (game, self.kita.sun, layer = self.kita.layer - 5)
- self.jojoko = Jojoko (game)
- self.grass = BgGrass (game)
- class DeerjikaPattern (Enum):
- """
- ニジカの状態
- Members:
- NORMAL: 通常
- RELAXED: 足パタパタ
- SLEEPING: 寝ニジカ
- DANCING: ダンシング・ニジカ
- """
- NORMAL = auto ()
- RELAXED = auto ()
- SLEEPING = auto ()
- DANCING = auto ()
- class Direction (Enum):
- """
- クリーチャの向き
- Members:
- LEFT: 左向き
- RIGHT: 右向き
- """
- LEFT = auto ()
- RIGHT = auto ()
- class Game:
- """
- ゲーム・クラス
- Attributes:
- clock (Clock): Clock オブゼクト
- frame (int): フレーム・カウンタ
- last_answered_at (datetime): 最後に回答した時刻
- now (datetime): 基準日時
- objects (list[GameObject]): 再描画するクラスのリスト
- screen (Surface): 基底スクリーン
- sky (Sky): 天体情報
- """
- bgm: Sound
- clock: Clock
- fps: float
- frame: int
- last_answered_at: datetime
- now: datetime
- objects: list[GameObject]
- screen: Surface
- sky: Sky
- def __init__ (
- self,
- ):
- self.now = datetime.now ()
- self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((CWindow.WIDTH, CWindow.HEIGHT))
- self.clock = Clock ()
- self.fps = FPS
- self.frame = 0
- self.objects = []
- self.bgm = Sound ('assets/bgm.mp3')
- self.bgm.set_volume (.15)
- self.bgm.play (loops = -1)
- self._create_sky ()
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.now = datetime.now ()
- self.sky.observer.date = self.now - timedelta (hours = 9)
- for obj in sorted (self.objects, key = lambda obj: obj.layer):
- if obj.enabled:
- obj.redraw ()
- pygame.display.update ()
- delta_time = self.clock.tick (FPS) / 1000
- self.fps = 1 / delta_time
- if delta_time > 1 / FPS:
- for _ in range (int (FPS * delta_time) - 1):
- for obj in self.objects:
- if obj.enabled:
- obj.update ()
- def _create_sky (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.sky = Sky ()
- self.sky.observer = Observer ()
- self.sky.observer.lat = '35'
- self.sky.observer.lon = '139'
- class GameObject:
- """
- 各ゲーム・オブゼクトの基底クラス
- Attributes:
- arg (float): 回転角度 (rad)
- ax (float): X 軸に対する加速度 (px/frame^2)
- ay (float): y 軸に対する加速度 (px/frame^2)
- enabled (bool): オブゼクトの表示可否
- frame (int): フレーム・カウンタ
- game (Game): ゲーム基盤
- height (int): 高さ (px)
- vx (float): x 軸に対する速度 (px/frame)
- vy (float): y 軸に対する速度 (px/frame)
- width (int): 幅 (px)
- x (float): X 座標 (px)
- y (float): Y 座標 (px)
- """
- arg: float = 0
- ax: float = 0
- ay: float = 0
- enabled: bool = True
- frame: int
- game: Game
- height: int
- layer: float
- vx: float = 0
- vy: float = 0
- width: int
- x: float
- y: float
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- layer: float | None = None,
- enabled: bool = True,
- x: float = 0,
- y: float = 0,
- ):
- self.game = game
- self.enabled = enabled
- self.frame = 0
- if layer is None:
- if self.game.objects:
- layer = max (obj.layer for obj in self.game.objects) + 10
- else:
- layer = 0
- self.layer = layer
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.game.objects.append (self)
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.update ()
- def update (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.x += self.vx
- self.y += self.vy
- self.vx += self.ax
- self.vy += self.ay
- self.frame += 1
- class BgBase (GameObject):
- """
- 背景
- Attributes:
- surface (Surface): 背景 Surface
- """
- bg: Surface
- bg_evening: Surface
- bg_grass: Surface
- bg_night: Surface
- sun: Sun
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- sun: Sun,
- layer: float,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game, layer = layer)
- self.bg = self._load_image ('assets/bg.jpg')
- self.bg_evening = self._load_image ('assets/bg-evening.jpg')
- self.bg_grass = self._load_image ('assets/bg-grass.png')
- self.bg_night = self._load_image ('assets/bg-night.jpg')
- self.sun = sun
- @staticmethod
- def _load_image (
- path: str,
- ) -> Surface:
- return pygame.transform.scale (pygame.image.load (path),
- (CWindow.WIDTH, CWindow.HEIGHT))
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- date_tmp = self.game.sky.observer.date
- self.game.sky.observer.date = self.game.now.date ()
- sunrise_start: datetime = (
- (ephem.localtime (self.game.sky.observer.previous_rising (self.sun))
- - timedelta (minutes = 30)))
- sunrise_end: datetime = sunrise_start + timedelta (hours = 1)
- sunrise_centre: datetime = (
- sunrise_start + (sunrise_end - sunrise_start) / 2)
- sunset_start: datetime = (
- (ephem.localtime (self.game.sky.observer.next_setting (self.sun))
- - timedelta (minutes = 30)))
- sunset_end: datetime = sunset_start + timedelta (hours = 1)
- sunset_centre: datetime = (
- sunset_start + (sunset_end - sunset_start) / 2)
- self.game.sky.observer.date = date_tmp
- surface: Surface = ((self.bg
- if (sunrise_centre <= self.game.now < sunset_centre)
- else self.bg_night)
- .copy ())
- if sunrise_start <= self.game.now < sunrise_end:
- self.bg_evening.set_alpha (255 - int ((abs (self.game.now - sunrise_centre) * 510)
- / (sunrise_end - sunrise_centre)))
- elif sunset_start <= self.game.now < sunset_end:
- self.bg_evening.set_alpha (255 - int ((abs (self.game.now - sunset_centre) * 510)
- / (sunset_end - sunset_centre)))
- else:
- self.bg_evening.set_alpha (0)
- surface.blit (self.bg_evening, (0, 0))
- self.game.screen.blit (surface, (self.x, self.y))
- super ().redraw ()
- class BgGrass (GameObject):
- """
- 背景の草原部分
- Attributes:
- surface (Surface): 草原 Surface
- """
- surface: Surface
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game)
- self.game = game
- self.surface = pygame.image.load ('assets/bg-grass.png')
- self.surface = pygame.transform.scale (self.surface, (CWindow.WIDTH, CWindow.HEIGHT))
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.game.screen.blit (self.surface, (self.x, self.y))
- super ().redraw ()
- class Creature (GameObject):
- sound: Sound
- def bell (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.sound.play ()
- class Deerjika (Creature):
- """
- 伊地知ニジカ
- Attributes:
- height (int): 高さ (px)
- scale (float): 拡大率
- surfaces (list[Surface]): ニジカの各フレームを Surface にしたリスト
- width (int): 幅 (px)
- """
- FPS = 30
- height: int
- scale: float = .8
- surfaces: list[Surface]
- width: int
- talking: bool = False
- wav: bytearray | None = None
- balloon: Balloon
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- pattern: DeerjikaPattern = DeerjikaPattern.NORMAL,
- direction: Direction = Direction.LEFT,
- layer: float | None = None,
- x: float = 0,
- y: float = 0,
- balloon: Balloon | None = None,
- ):
- if balloon is None:
- raise Exception
- super ().__init__ (game, layer, x = x, y = y)
- self.pattern = pattern
- self.direction = direction
- self.balloon = balloon
- match pattern:
- case DeerjikaPattern.NORMAL:
- ...
- case DeerjikaPattern.RELAXED:
- match direction:
- case Direction.LEFT:
- self.width = 1280
- self.height = 720
- surface = pygame.image.load ('assets/deerjika_relax_left.png')
- self.surfaces = []
- for x in range (0, surface.get_width (), self.width):
- self.surfaces.append (
- surface.subsurface (x, 0, self.width, self.height))
- case Direction.RIGHT:
- ...
- self.sound = Sound ('assets/noon.wav')
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- surface = pygame.transform.scale (self.surfaces[self.frame * self.FPS // FPS
- % len (self.surfaces)],
- (self.width * self.scale, self.height * self.scale))
- self.game.screen.blit (surface, surface.get_rect (center = (self.x, self.y)))
- super ().redraw ()
- def update (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- if (not self.balloon.enabled) and self.talking:
- self.talking = False
- if (self.balloon.enabled and self.balloon.frame >= FPS * 1.5
- and not self.talking):
- self.read_out ()
- super ().update ()
- def talk (
- self,
- query: str,
- answer: str,
- ) -> None:
- self.bell ()
- self._create_wav (answer)
- length = 300
- if self.wav is not None:
- with wave.open ('./nizika_talking.wav', 'rb') as f:
- length = int (FPS * (f.getnframes () / f.getframerate () + 4))
- self.balloon.talk (query, answer, length = length)
- def read_out (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- Sound ('./nizika_talking.wav').play ()
- self.talking = True
- def _create_wav (
- self,
- message: str,
- ) -> None:
- try:
- self.wav = Aques.main (message, False)
- except:
- self.wav = None
- if self.wav is None:
- return
- with open ('./nizika_talking.wav', 'wb') as f:
- f.write (self.wav)
- class CurrentTime (GameObject):
- """
- 現在日時表示
- Attributes:
- font (Font): フォント
- """
- font: Font
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- font: Font,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game)
- self.font = font
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- for i in range (4):
- self.game.screen.blit (
- self.font.render (f"{ self.game.now } { self.game.fps } fps", True, (0, 0, 0)),
- (i % 2, i // 2 * 2))
- super ().redraw ()
- class Balloon (GameObject):
- """
- 吹出し
- Attributes:
- answer (str): 回答テキスト
- image_url (str, None): 画像 URL
- length (int): 表示する時間 (frame)
- query (str): 質問テキスト
- surface (Surface): 吹出し Surface
- x_flip (bool): 左右反転フラグ
- y_flip (bool): 上下反転フラグ
- """
- answer: str = ''
- image_url: str | None = None
- length: int = 300
- query: str = ''
- surface: Surface
- x_flip: bool = False
- y_flip: bool = False
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- x_flip: bool = False,
- y_flip: bool = False,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game, enabled = False)
- self.x_flip = x_flip
- self.y_flip = y_flip
- self.surface = pygame.transform.scale (pygame.image.load ('assets/balloon.png'),
- (CWindow.WIDTH, CWindow.HEIGHT / 2))
- self.surface = pygame.transform.flip (self.surface, self.x_flip, self.y_flip)
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- if self.frame >= self.length:
- self.enabled = False
- self.game.last_answered_at = self.game.now
- return
- query = self.query
- if CommonModule.len_by_full (query) > 21:
- query = CommonModule.mid_by_full (query, 0, 19.5) + '...'
- answer = Surface ((800, ((CommonModule.len_by_full (self.answer) - 1) // 16 + 1) * 50),
- pygame.SRCALPHA)
- for i in range (int (CommonModule.len_by_full (self.answer) - 1) // 16 + 1):
- answer.blit (DEERJIKA_FONT.render (
- CommonModule.mid_by_full (self.answer, 16 * i, 16), True, (192, 0, 0)),
- (0, 50 * i))
- surface = self.surface.copy ()
- surface.blit (USER_FONT.render ('>' + query, True, (0, 0, 0)), (120, 70))
- y: int
- if self.frame < 30:
- y = 0
- elif self.frame >= self.length - 90:
- y = answer.get_height () - 100
- else:
- y = int ((answer.get_height () - 100) * (self.frame - 30) / (self.length - 120))
- surface.blit (answer, (100, 150), Rect (0, y, 800, 100))
- self.game.screen.blit (surface, (0, 0))
- super ().redraw ()
- def talk (
- self,
- query: str,
- answer: str,
- image_url: str | None = None,
- length: int = 300,
- ) -> None:
- self.query = query
- self.answer = answer
- self.image_url = image_url
- self.length = length
- self.frame = 0
- self.enabled = True
- class KitaSun (GameObject):
- """
- き太く陽
- Attributes:
- sun (Sun): ephem の太陽オブゼクト
- surface (Surface): き太く陽 Surface
- """
- alt: float
- az: float
- sun: Sun
- surface: Surface
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game)
- self.surface = pygame.transform.scale (pygame.image.load ('assets/sun.png'), (200, 200))
- self.sun = Sun ()
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- surface = pygame.transform.rotate (self.surface, -(90 + math.degrees (self.arg)))
- self.game.screen.blit (surface, surface.get_rect (center = (self.x, self.y)))
- super ().redraw ()
- def update (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.sun.compute (self.game.sky.observer)
- self.alt = self.sun.alt
- self.az = self.sun.az
- if abs (self.new_arg - self.arg) > math.radians (15):
- self.arg = self.new_arg
- self.x = self.new_x
- self.y = self.new_y
- super ().update ()
- @property
- def new_x (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return CWindow.WIDTH * (math.degrees (self.az) - 80) / 120
- @property
- def new_y (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return ((CWindow.HEIGHT / 2)
- - ((CWindow.HEIGHT / 2 + 100) * math.sin (self.alt)
- / math.sin (math.radians (60))))
- @property
- def new_arg (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return math.atan2 (self.new_y - self.y, self.new_x - self.x)
- class Jojoko (GameObject):
- """
- 大月ヨヨコ
- Attributes:
- base (Surface): 満月ヨヨコ Surface
- moon (Moon): ephem の月オブゼクト
- surface (Surface): 缺けたヨヨコ
- """
- alt: float
- az: float
- base: Surface
- moon: Moon
- surface: Surface
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game)
- self.base = pygame.transform.scale (pygame.image.load ('assets/moon.png'), (200, 200))
- self.moon = Moon ()
- self.surface = self._get_surface ()
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.moon.compute (self.game.sky.observer)
- self.alt = self.moon.alt
- self.az = self.moon.az
- if abs (self.new_arg - self.arg) > math.radians (15):
- self.arg = self.new_arg
- self.x = self.new_x
- self.y = self.new_y
- if self.frame % (FPS * 3600) == 0:
- self.surface = self._get_surface ()
- surface = pygame.transform.rotate (self.surface, -(90 + math.degrees (self.arg)))
- surface.set_colorkey ((0, 255, 0))
- self.game.screen.blit (surface, surface.get_rect (center = (self.x, self.y)))
- super ().redraw ()
- @property
- def phase (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- dt: datetime = ephem.localtime (ephem.previous_new_moon (self.game.sky.observer.date))
- return (self.game.now - dt).total_seconds () / 60 / 60 / 24
- def _get_surface (
- self,
- ) -> Surface:
- """
- ヨヨコを月齢に応じて缺かす.
- Returns:
- Surface: 缺けたヨヨコ
- """
- jojoko = self.base.copy ()
- for i in range (200):
- if 1 <= self.phase < 15:
- pygame.gfxdraw.bezier (jojoko, ((0, 100 + i), (100, 180 * self.phase / 7 - 80 + i), (200, 100 + i)), 3, (0, 255, 0))
- elif self.phase < 16:
- pass
- elif self.phase < 30:
- pygame.gfxdraw.bezier (jojoko, ((0, 100 - i), (100, 180 * (self.phase - 15) / 7 - 80 - i), (200, 100 - i)), 3, (0, 255, 0))
- else:
- jojoko.fill ((0, 255, 0))
- return jojoko
- @property
- def new_x (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return CWindow.WIDTH * (math.degrees (self.az) - 80) / 120
- @property
- def new_y (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return ((CWindow.HEIGHT / 2)
- - ((CWindow.HEIGHT / 2 + 100) * math.sin (self.alt)
- / math.sin (math.radians (60))))
- @property
- def new_arg (
- self,
- ) -> float:
- return math.atan2 (self.new_y - self.y, self.new_x - self.x)
- class Sky:
- """
- 天体に関する情報を保持するクラス
- Attributes:
- observer (Observer): 観測値
- """
- observer: Observer
- class CWindow:
- """
- ウィンドゥに関する定数クラス
- Attributes:
- WIDTH (int): ウィンドゥ幅
- HEIGHT (int): ウィンドゥ高さ
- """
- WIDTH = 1024
- HEIGHT = 768
- class Broadcast:
- chat: PytchatCore
- code: str
- def __init__ (
- self,
- broadcast_code,
- ):
- self.code = broadcast_code
- self.chat = pytchat.create (self.code)
- def fetch_chat (
- self,
- ) -> Chat | None:
- if not self.chat.is_alive ():
- self.chat = pytchat.create (self.code)
- return None
- chats = self.chat.get ().items
- if not chats:
- return None
- return random.choice (chats)
- class Video (GameObject):
- fps: int
- pausing: bool = False
- sound: Sound | None
- surfaces: list[Surface]
- def __init__ (
- self,
- game: Game,
- path: str,
- ):
- super ().__init__ (game)
- self.pausing = False
- (self.surfaces, self.fps) = self._create_surfaces (path)
- self.sound = self._create_sound (path)
- self.stop ()
- def _create_sound (
- self,
- path: str,
- ) -> Sound | None:
- bytes_io = BytesIO ()
- try:
- from pydub import AudioSegment
- audio = AudioSegment.from_file (path, format = path.split ('.')[-1])
- except ModuleNotFoundError:
- return None
- audio.export (bytes_io, format = 'wav')
- bytes_io.seek (0)
- return pygame.mixer.Sound (bytes_io)
- def _create_surfaces (
- self,
- path: str,
- ) -> tuple[list[Surface], int]:
- cap = self._load (path)
- surfaces: list[Surface] = []
- if cap is None:
- return ([], FPS)
- fps = int (cap.get (cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
- while cap.isOpened ():
- frame = self._read_frame (cap)
- if frame is None:
- break
- surfaces.append (self._convert_to_surface (frame))
- new_surfaces: list[Surface] = []
- for i in range (len (surfaces) * FPS // fps):
- new_surfaces.append (surfaces[i * fps // FPS])
- return (new_surfaces, fps)
- def _load (
- self,
- path: str,
- ) -> VideoCapture | None:
- """
- OpenCV で動画を読込む.
- """
- cap = VideoCapture (path)
- if cap.isOpened ():
- return cap
- return None
- def _read_frame (
- self,
- cap: VideoCapture,
- ) -> np.ndarray | None:
- """
- 動画のフレームを読込む.
- """
- ret: bool
- frame: np.ndarray
- (ret, frame) = cap.read ()
- if ret:
- return frame
- return None
- def _convert_to_surface (
- self,
- frame: np.ndarray,
- ) -> Surface:
- frame = cv2.cvtColor (frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- frame_surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface (frame)
- frame_surface = pygame.transform.rotate (frame_surface, -90)
- frame_surface = pygame.transform.flip (frame_surface, True, False)
- return frame_surface
- def play (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.enabled = True
- self.pausing = False
- if self.sound is not None:
- self.sound.play ()
- def stop (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.enabled = False
- self.frame = 0
- def pause (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.pausing = True
- def redraw (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- self.game.screen.blit (self.surfaces[self.frame], (self.x, self.y))
- super ().redraw ()
- def update (
- self,
- ) -> None:
- if self.frame >= len (self.surfaces) - 1:
- self.pause ()
- if self.pausing:
- self.frame -= 1
- super ().update ()
- class NicoVideo (Video):
- ...
- def fetch_bytes_from_url (
- url: str,
- ) -> bytes | None:
- res = requests.get (url, timeout = 60)
- if res.status_code != 200:
- return None
- return res.content
- def add_query (
- broadcast: Broadcast,
- ) -> None:
- chat = broadcast.fetch_chat ()
- if chat is None:
- return
- DB.begin_transaction ()
- chat.message = emoji.emojize (chat.message)
- message: str = chat.message
- user = (User.where ('platform', Platform.YOUTUBE.value)
- .where ('code', chat.author.channelId)
- .first ())
- if user is None:
- user = User ()
- user.platform = Platform.YOUTUBE.value
- user.code = chat.author.channelId
- user.name = chat.author.name
- user.icon = fetch_bytes_from_url (chat.author.imageUrl)
- user.save ()
- query = Query ()
- query.user_id = user.id
- query.target_character = Character.DEERJIKA.value
- query.content = chat.message
- query.query_type = QueryType.YOUTUBE_COMMENT.value
- query.model = GPTModel.GPT3_TURBO.value
- query.sent_at = datetime.now ()
- query.answered = False
- query.save ()
- DB.commit ()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()