#include "user32.as" #pack "start.ax" ; 暗号化防止 #packopt hide 1 #packopt name "nizika-desktop" #const NIZIKA_WIDTH 300 #const NIZIKA_HEIGHT 300 #const NIZIKA_BASE 236 #const NIZIKA_LEFT 100 #const NIZIKA_RIGHT 250 ; 半透明スクリーン作成 SCREEN_MAIN = BgScr2 (gInfo_dispX, gInfo_dispY, SCREEN_HIDE, 0, 0) SetWindowLong hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong (hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) Or WS_EX_LAYERED SetLayeredWindowAttributes hWnd, RGBCOLOUR_LIME, False, True HWND_DESKTOP = GetDesktopWindow () ; デスクトップ取得 Color COLOUR_LIME BoxF SCREEN_NIZIKA = Buffer2 () PicLoad "assets/nizika.png" GSel SCREEN_MAIN, 2 frame = 0 nizikaX = Double (-NIZIKA_LEFT) nizikaY = Double (gInfo_dispY - NIZIKA_BASE) direction = 1 moving = False falling = True base = gInfo_dispY Repeat Dim hWindows, 1 Dim windowRects, 4, 1 hWindows.0 = GetTopWindow (HWND_DESKTOP) hWindowBefore = hWindows.0 GetWindowRect hWindows.0, VarPtr (windowRects.0.0) windowCnt = 1 Repeat hWindow = GetWindow (hWindowBefore, GW_HWNDNEXT) If hWindow = 0 { Break } buf = "" GetWindowText hWindow, VarPtr (buf), 256 If (IsWindowVisible (hWindow) != False) And (StrLen (buf) != 0) { hWindows.windowCnt = hWindow GetWindowRect hWindow, VarPtr (windowRects.0.windowCnt) windowCnt++ } hWindowBefore = hWindow Loop If GetKey2 (KEY_MOUSE_L) { If moving { nizikaX = LimitF (mouseX - offsetX, -NIZIKA_LEFT, gInfo_dispX - NIZIKA_RIGHT) nizikaY = LimitF (mouseY - offsetY, Null, gInfo_dispY - NIZIKA_BASE) } Else { moving = True offsetX = Double (mouseX - nizikaX) offsetY = Double (mouseY - nizikaY) } } Else: If moving { moving = False falling = True fallVel = 0. } Else: If falling { nizikaY = LimitF (nizikaY + fallVel, Null, base - NIZIKA_BASE) fallVel += 9.8 If nizikaY >= base - NIZIKA_BASE { fallVel = 0. } base = gInfo_dispY Repeat windowCnt If (windowRects.0.cnt <= nizikaX + (NIZIKA_WIDTH - NIZIKA_LEFT)) And (nizikaX + NIZIKA_LEFT < windowRects.2.cnt) { If (nizikaY + NIZIKA_BASE <= windowRects.1.cnt) And (windowRects.1.cnt < base) { base = windowRects.1.cnt } } Loop } ReDraw False Color COLOUR_LIME BoxF Pos nizikaX, nizikaY GCopy SCREEN_NIZIKA, IIf (direction < 0, NIZIKA_WIDTH, 0), NIZIKA_HEIGHT * (frame \ 24), NIZIKA_WIDTH, NIZIKA_HEIGHT ReDraw True nizikaX += direction * 4 If (nizikaX >= gInfo_dispX - NIZIKA_RIGHT) || (nizikaX < -NIZIKA_LEFT) { direction = -direction } Await 33 frame++ Loop