import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { VideoChannelModel } from '@server/models/video/video-channel.js' import { VideoChannelSyncModel } from '@server/models/video/video-channel-sync.js' import { SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { synchronizeChannel } from '../sync-channel.js' import { AbstractScheduler } from './abstract-scheduler.js' export class VideoChannelSyncLatestScheduler extends AbstractScheduler { private static instance: AbstractScheduler protected schedulerIntervalMs = SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.CHANNEL_SYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL private constructor () { super() } protected async internalExecute () { if (!CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZATION.ENABLED) { logger.debug('Discard channels synchronization as the feature is disabled') return }'Checking channels to synchronize') const channelSyncs = await VideoChannelSyncModel.listSyncs() for (const sync of channelSyncs) { const channel = await VideoChannelModel.loadAndPopulateAccount(sync.videoChannelId) 'Creating video import jobs for "%s" sync with external channel "%s"', channel.Actor.preferredUsername, sync.externalChannelUrl ) const onlyAfter = sync.lastSyncAt || sync.createdAt await synchronizeChannel({ channel, externalChannelUrl: sync.externalChannelUrl, videosCountLimit: CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZATION.VIDEOS_LIMIT_PER_SYNCHRONIZATION, channelSync: sync, onlyAfter }) } } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } }