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README.md 636 B

  1. # PeerTube CLI
  2. ## Usage
  3. See https://docs.joinpeertube.org/maintain/tools#remote-tools
  4. ## Dev
  5. ## Install dependencies
  6. ```bash
  7. cd peertube-root
  8. yarn install --pure-lockfile
  9. cd apps/peertube-cli && yarn install --pure-lockfile
  10. ```
  11. ## Develop
  12. ```bash
  13. cd peertube-root
  14. npm run dev:peertube-cli
  15. ```
  16. ## Build
  17. ```bash
  18. cd peertube-root
  19. npm run build:peertube-cli
  20. ```
  21. ## Run
  22. ```bash
  23. cd peertube-root
  24. node apps/peertube-cli/dist/peertube-cli.js --help
  25. ```
  26. ## Publish on NPM
  27. ```bash
  28. cd peertube-root
  29. (cd apps/peertube-cli && npm version patch) && npm run build:peertube-cli && (cd apps/peertube-cli && npm publish --access=public)
  30. ```