- import { copy, remove } from 'fs-extra/esm'
- import { readFile, rename } from 'fs/promises'
- import { ColorActionName } from '@jimp/plugin-color'
- import { buildUUID, getLowercaseExtension } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils'
- import { convertWebPToJPG, processGIF } from './ffmpeg/index.js'
- import { logger } from './logger.js'
- import type Jimp from 'jimp'
- export function generateImageFilename (extension = '.jpg') {
- return buildUUID() + extension
- }
- export async function processImage (options: {
- path: string
- destination: string
- newSize: { width: number, height: number }
- keepOriginal?: boolean // default false
- }) {
- const { path, destination, newSize, keepOriginal = false } = options
- const extension = getLowercaseExtension(path)
- if (path === destination) {
- throw new Error('Jimp/FFmpeg needs an input path different that the output path.')
- }
- logger.debug('Processing image %s to %s.', path, destination)
- // Use FFmpeg to process GIF
- if (extension === '.gif') {
- await processGIF({ path, destination, newSize })
- } else {
- await jimpProcessor({ path, destination, newSize, inputExt: extension })
- }
- if (keepOriginal !== true) await remove(path)
- logger.debug('Finished processing image %s to %s.', path, destination)
- }
- export async function getImageSize (path: string) {
- const inputBuffer = await readFile(path)
- const Jimp = await import('jimp')
- const image = await Jimp.default.read(inputBuffer)
- return {
- width: image.getWidth(),
- height: image.getHeight()
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Private
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- async function jimpProcessor (options: {
- path: string
- destination: string
- newSize: {
- width: number
- height: number
- }
- inputExt: string
- }) {
- const { path, destination, newSize, inputExt } = options
- let sourceImage: Jimp
- const inputBuffer = await readFile(path)
- const Jimp = await import('jimp')
- try {
- sourceImage = await Jimp.default.read(inputBuffer)
- } catch (err) {
- logger.debug('Cannot read %s with jimp. Try to convert the image using ffmpeg first.', path, { err })
- const newName = path + '.jpg'
- await convertWebPToJPG({ path, destination: newName })
- await rename(newName, path)
- sourceImage = await Jimp.default.read(path)
- }
- await remove(destination)
- // Optimization if the source file has the appropriate size
- const outputExt = getLowercaseExtension(destination)
- if (skipProcessing({ sourceImage, newSize, imageBytes: inputBuffer.byteLength, inputExt, outputExt })) {
- return copy(path, destination)
- }
- await autoResize({ sourceImage, newSize, destination })
- }
- async function autoResize (options: {
- sourceImage: Jimp
- newSize: { width: number, height: number }
- destination: string
- }) {
- const { sourceImage, newSize, destination } = options
- // Portrait mode targeting a landscape, apply some effect on the image
- const sourceIsPortrait = sourceImage.getWidth() <= sourceImage.getHeight()
- const destIsPortraitOrSquare = newSize.width <= newSize.height
- removeExif(sourceImage)
- if (sourceIsPortrait && !destIsPortraitOrSquare) {
- const baseImage = sourceImage.cloneQuiet().cover(newSize.width, newSize.height)
- .color([ { apply: ColorActionName.SHADE, params: [ 50 ] } ])
- const topImage = sourceImage.cloneQuiet().contain(newSize.width, newSize.height)
- return write(baseImage.blit(topImage, 0, 0), destination)
- }
- return write(sourceImage.cover(newSize.width, newSize.height), destination)
- }
- function write (image: Jimp, destination: string) {
- return image.quality(80).writeAsync(destination)
- }
- function skipProcessing (options: {
- sourceImage: Jimp
- newSize: { width: number, height: number }
- imageBytes: number
- inputExt: string
- outputExt: string
- }) {
- const { sourceImage, newSize, imageBytes, inputExt, outputExt } = options
- const { width, height } = newSize
- if (hasExif(sourceImage)) return false
- if (sourceImage.getWidth() !== width || sourceImage.getHeight() !== height) return false
- if (inputExt !== outputExt) return false
- const kB = 1000
- if (height >= 1000) return imageBytes <= 200 * kB
- if (height >= 500) return imageBytes <= 100 * kB
- return imageBytes <= 15 * kB
- }
- function hasExif (image: Jimp) {
- return !!(image.bitmap as any).exifBuffer
- }
- function removeExif (image: Jimp) {
- (image.bitmap as any).exifBuffer = null
- }