- import { program } from 'commander'
- import { isAbsolute } from 'path'
- import { initDatabaseModels } from '../../core/initializers/database.js'
- import { PluginManager } from '../../core/lib/plugins/plugin-manager.js'
- program
- .option('-n, --npm-name [npmName]', 'Plugin to install')
- .option('-v, --plugin-version [pluginVersion]', 'Plugin version to install')
- .option('-p, --plugin-path [pluginPath]', 'Path of the plugin you want to install')
- .parse(process.argv)
- const options = program.opts()
- if (!options.npmName && !options.pluginPath) {
- console.error('You need to specify a plugin name with the desired version, or a plugin path.')
- process.exit(-1)
- }
- if (options.pluginPath && !isAbsolute(options.pluginPath)) {
- console.error('Plugin path should be absolute.')
- process.exit(-1)
- }
- run()
- .then(() => process.exit(0))
- .catch(err => {
- console.error(err)
- process.exit(-1)
- })
- async function run () {
- await initDatabaseModels(true)
- const toInstall = options.npmName || options.pluginPath
- await PluginManager.Instance.install({
- toInstall,
- version: options.pluginVersion,
- fromDisk: !!options.pluginPath,
- register: false
- })
- }