- import { Feed } from '@peertube/feed'
- import { CustomTag, CustomXMLNS, LiveItemStatus } from '@peertube/feed/lib/typings/index.js'
- import { maxBy, sortObjectComparator } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
- import { ActorImageType, VideoFile, VideoInclude, VideoResolution, VideoState } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
- import { InternalEventEmitter } from '@server/lib/internal-event-emitter.js'
- import { Hooks } from '@server/lib/plugins/hooks.js'
- import { getVideoFileMimeType } from '@server/lib/video-file.js'
- import { buildPodcastGroupsCache, cacheRouteFactory, videoFeedsPodcastSetCacheKey } from '@server/middlewares/index.js'
- import { MVideo, MVideoCaptionVideo, MVideoFullLight } from '@server/types/models/index.js'
- import express from 'express'
- import { extname } from 'path'
- import { buildNSFWFilter } from '../../helpers/express-utils.js'
- import { MIMETYPES, ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME, WEBSERVER } from '../../initializers/constants.js'
- import { asyncMiddleware, setFeedPodcastContentType, videoFeedsPodcastValidator } from '../../middlewares/index.js'
- import { VideoCaptionModel } from '../../models/video/video-caption.js'
- import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video.js'
- import { buildFeedMetadata, getCommonVideoFeedAttributes, getVideosForFeeds, initFeed } from './shared/index.js'
- const videoPodcastFeedsRouter = express.Router()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const { middleware: podcastCacheRouteMiddleware, instance: podcastApiCache } = cacheRouteFactory({
- headerBlacklist: [ 'Content-Type' ]
- })
- for (const event of ([ 'video-created', 'video-updated', 'video-deleted' ] as const)) {
- InternalEventEmitter.Instance.on(event, ({ video }) => {
- if (video.remote) return
- podcastApiCache.clearGroupSafe(buildPodcastGroupsCache({ channelId: video.channelId }))
- })
- }
- for (const event of ([ 'channel-updated', 'channel-deleted' ] as const)) {
- InternalEventEmitter.Instance.on(event, ({ channel }) => {
- podcastApiCache.clearGroupSafe(buildPodcastGroupsCache({ channelId: channel.id }))
- })
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- videoPodcastFeedsRouter.get('/podcast/videos.xml',
- setFeedPodcastContentType,
- videoFeedsPodcastSetCacheKey,
- podcastCacheRouteMiddleware(ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME.FEEDS),
- asyncMiddleware(videoFeedsPodcastValidator),
- asyncMiddleware(generateVideoPodcastFeed)
- )
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export {
- videoPodcastFeedsRouter
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- async function generateVideoPodcastFeed (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
- const videoChannel = res.locals.videoChannel
- const { name, userName, description, imageUrl, accountImageUrl, email, link, accountLink } = await buildFeedMetadata({ videoChannel })
- const data = await getVideosForFeeds({
- sort: '-publishedAt',
- nsfw: buildNSFWFilter(),
- // Prevent podcast feeds from listing videos in other instances
- // helps prevent duplicates when they are indexed -- only the author should control them
- isLocal: true,
- include: VideoInclude.FILES,
- videoChannelId: videoChannel?.id
- })
- const customTags: CustomTag[] = await Hooks.wrapObject(
- [],
- 'filter:feed.podcast.channel.create-custom-tags.result',
- { videoChannel }
- )
- const customXMLNS: CustomXMLNS[] = await Hooks.wrapObject(
- [],
- 'filter:feed.podcast.rss.create-custom-xmlns.result'
- )
- const feed = initFeed({
- name,
- description,
- link,
- isPodcast: true,
- imageUrl,
- locked: email
- ? { isLocked: true, email } // Default to true because we have no way of offering a redirect yet
- : undefined,
- person: [ { name: userName, href: accountLink, img: accountImageUrl } ],
- resourceType: 'videos',
- queryString: new URL(WEBSERVER.URL + req.url).search,
- medium: 'video',
- customXMLNS,
- customTags
- })
- await addVideosToPodcastFeed(feed, data)
- // Now the feed generation is done, let's send it!
- return res.send(feed.podcast()).end()
- }
- type PodcastMedia =
- {
- type: string
- length: number
- bitrate: number
- sources: { uri: string, contentType?: string }[]
- title: string
- language?: string
- } |
- {
- sources: { uri: string }[]
- type: string
- title: string
- }
- async function generatePodcastItem (options: {
- video: VideoModel
- liveItem: boolean
- media: PodcastMedia[]
- }) {
- const { video, liveItem, media } = options
- const customTags: CustomTag[] = await Hooks.wrapObject(
- [],
- 'filter:feed.podcast.video.create-custom-tags.result',
- { video, liveItem }
- )
- const account = video.VideoChannel.Account
- const author = {
- name: account.getDisplayName(),
- href: account.getClientUrl()
- }
- const commonAttributes = getCommonVideoFeedAttributes(video)
- const guid = liveItem
- ? `${video.uuid}_${video.publishedAt.toISOString()}`
- : commonAttributes.link
- let personImage: string
- if (account.Actor.hasImage(ActorImageType.AVATAR)) {
- const avatar = maxBy(account.Actor.Avatars, 'width')
- personImage = WEBSERVER.URL + avatar.getStaticPath()
- }
- return {
- guid,
- ...commonAttributes,
- trackers: video.getTrackerUrls(),
- author: [ author ],
- person: [
- {
- ...author,
- img: personImage
- }
- ],
- media,
- socialInteract: [
- {
- uri: video.url,
- protocol: 'activitypub',
- accountUrl: account.getClientUrl()
- }
- ],
- customTags
- }
- }
- async function addVideosToPodcastFeed (feed: Feed, videos: VideoModel[]) {
- const captionsGroup = await VideoCaptionModel.listCaptionsOfMultipleVideos(videos.map(v => v.id))
- for (const video of videos) {
- if (!video.isLive) {
- await addVODPodcastItem({ feed, video, captionsGroup })
- } else if (video.isLive && video.state !== VideoState.LIVE_ENDED) {
- await addLivePodcastItem({ feed, video })
- }
- }
- }
- async function addVODPodcastItem (options: {
- feed: Feed
- video: VideoModel
- captionsGroup: { [ id: number ]: MVideoCaptionVideo[] }
- }) {
- const { feed, video, captionsGroup } = options
- const webVideos = video.getFormattedWebVideoFilesJSON(true)
- .map(f => buildVODWebVideoFile(video, f))
- .sort(sortObjectComparator('bitrate', 'desc'))
- const streamingPlaylistFiles = buildVODStreamingPlaylists(video)
- // Order matters here, the first media URI will be the "default"
- // So web videos are default if enabled
- const media = [ ...webVideos, ...streamingPlaylistFiles ]
- const videoCaptions = buildVODCaptions(video, captionsGroup[video.id])
- const item = await generatePodcastItem({ video, liveItem: false, media })
- feed.addPodcastItem({ ...item, subTitle: videoCaptions })
- }
- async function addLivePodcastItem (options: {
- feed: Feed
- video: VideoModel
- }) {
- const { feed, video } = options
- let status: LiveItemStatus
- switch (video.state) {
- case VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE:
- status = LiveItemStatus.pending
- break
- case VideoState.PUBLISHED:
- status = LiveItemStatus.live
- break
- }
- const item = await generatePodcastItem({ video, liveItem: true, media: buildLiveStreamingPlaylists(video) })
- feed.addPodcastLiveItem({ ...item, status, start: video.updatedAt.toISOString() })
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function buildVODWebVideoFile (video: MVideo, videoFile: VideoFile) {
- const sources = [
- { uri: videoFile.fileUrl },
- { uri: videoFile.torrentUrl, contentType: 'application/x-bittorrent' }
- ]
- if (videoFile.magnetUri) {
- sources.push({ uri: videoFile.magnetUri })
- }
- return {
- type: getVideoFileMimeType(extname(videoFile.fileUrl), videoFile.resolution.id === VideoResolution.H_NOVIDEO),
- title: videoFile.resolution.label,
- length: videoFile.size,
- bitrate: videoFile.size / video.duration * 8,
- language: video.language,
- sources
- }
- }
- function buildVODStreamingPlaylists (video: MVideoFullLight) {
- const hls = video.getHLSPlaylist()
- if (!hls) return []
- return [
- {
- type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
- title: 'HLS',
- sources: [
- { uri: hls.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video) }
- ],
- language: video.language
- }
- ]
- }
- function buildLiveStreamingPlaylists (video: MVideoFullLight) {
- const hls = video.getHLSPlaylist()
- return [
- {
- type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
- title: `HLS live stream`,
- sources: [
- { uri: hls.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video) }
- ],
- language: video.language
- }
- ]
- }
- function buildVODCaptions (video: MVideo, videoCaptions: MVideoCaptionVideo[]) {
- return videoCaptions.map(caption => {
- const type = MIMETYPES.VIDEO_CAPTIONS.EXT_MIMETYPE[extname(caption.filename)]
- if (!type) return null
- return {
- url: caption.getFileUrl(video),
- language: caption.language,
- type,
- rel: 'captions'
- }
- }).filter(c => c)
- }