Deleting the wiki page 'Home' cannot be undone. Continue?
let videoId;
let lastVideoId;
let comments = [];
let commentFontSize = '';
let commentFontPos = '';
let commentColour = '';
const noon = new Audio ('//');
function time2second (time)
return (([m, s]) => m * 60 + (+s)) (time.split (':'));
setInterval (() => {
const sendBtn = document.getElementById ('niconico-comment-send');
const comBox = document.getElementById ('niconico-comment-input');
const overlay = document.getElementById ('comment-overlay');
const dialog = document.getElementById ('comment-dialog');
const styleSize = document.getElementById ('comment-place');
const changeColour = document.getElementById ('comment-color');
const sendComment = () =>
const lang = document.querySelector ('html').lang;
const style = '';
const timeSec = document.querySelector ('video').currentTime;
const time = `${Math.trunc (timeSec / 60)}:${(timeSec % 60).toFixed (3).padStart (6, '0')}`;
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document.querySelector ('textarea').value = `${time}/${lang}/${style}/${comBox.value}`;
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'cancelable': true
setTimeout (() => {
document.querySelector ('').click ();
comments.push ({time: time2second (time), lang, style, content: comBox.value});
comBox.value = ''; ();
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styleSize.addEventListener ('click', e =>
console.log (1) = 'block'; = 'block';
document.getElementById('okButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
const form = document.getElementById('dialogForm');
const formData = new FormData(form);
commentFontPos = formData.get('position');
commentFontSize = formData.get('size');
comBox.addEventListener ('keydown',
function (e)
if (e.key === 'Enter')
sendComment ();
sendBtn.addEventListener ('click', sendComment);
}, 1000);
setInterval (async () =>
videoId = (new URL (location.href)).pathname.match (/^\/w\/([0-9a-zA-Z\-_]+)/)?.[1];
if (videoId !== lastVideoId)
lastVideoId = videoId;
if (videoId)
comments = (await fetch(`/api/v1/videos/${videoId}/comment-threads?count=100&sort=-createdAt`)
.then(response => response.ok && response.json ())) (e => e.text).filter (e => (0 <= +e[0]) && (+e[0] <= 9) && ((e.match (/\//g) || []).length >= 3)).map (e => (([time, lang, style, ...contentParts]) => ({time: time2second (time), lang, style, content: contentParts.join ('/')})) (e.split ('/'))).sort ((a, b) => a.time < b.time ? -1 : 1) ;
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canvas.height = 720;
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const curTime = document.querySelector ('video').currentTime;
const duration = document.querySelector ('video').duration;
comments.forEach ((e, i) =>
const styles = (/\s+/);
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ctx.font = '24px Arial';
ctx.font = '48px Arial'; // フォントサイズとフォントタイプを設定
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e.time <= curTime && curTime < e.time + 4 && ctx[f] (e.content, (canvas.width - e.content.length * parseInt (ctx.font)) / 2, canvas.height - parseInt (ctx.font));
ctx[f] (e.content, canvas.width + (Math.min (e.time, duration - 2) - curTime - 1) * (canvas.width + e.content.length * 48) / 5, 6 + 60 * (i % 12));
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cmtStyle.display = 'none';
let pos = document.querySelector ('#comment-place')
let cl = document.querySelector ('#comment-color')
if (pos) = 'none';
if (cl) = 'none'
}, 30);
setInterval (() =>
let video = document.querySelector ('video');
video?.parentElement.insertBefore (document.querySelector ('#comment-layer'), video.nextElementSibling);
}, 1000);
function closeDialog() {
document.getElementById('comment-overlay').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('comment-dialog').style.display = 'none';
}let videoId;
Deleting the wiki page 'Home' cannot be undone. Continue?